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Secure Communities

There is nothing more vital to the health and well-being of Our Communities than their collective Security.

Unfortunately, as it currently stands, and historically, our Communities have been particularly vulnerable to racist violence, police brutality, abduction, rape, pedophilia, preventable injury and murder. The SECURE COMMUNITIES MANDATE seeks to end this vulnerability by employing the members of the Community itself as both Our shield and spear of Self-Defense against ANY threat to the health and safety of Our People.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, every 7 seconds a New Afrikan female is abducted, victimized or murdered in the United States. Our anemic response to historic police brutality, preventable injury and racist massacres is inescapable. The reactionary violence carried out by subculture elements in Our Communities on an almost daily basis behind gang banging and drug disputes does not signal to outsiders that we are strong, but instead, it shouts we are WEAK AND VULNERABLE. A Community at war with itself is a weak Community, easy prey. Its why racist police do not fear beating and murdering us in broad daylight in front of witnesses; why sexual predators and pedophiles do not fear hunting Our Women and Children in Our streets; why white supremacists do not fear attacking or burning Our places of
worship...because in their eyes we are weak and vulnerable. Easy prey with no reprisals. With social trends moving inexorably towards further violence from organized racists and enduring vulnerability, we can no longer allow this state of affairs to persist.

We all watched along with the world as Dylan S. Root murdered 9 of our Sistas and Brothas in Emmanuel A.M.E. Church, just as we watched 4 little New Afrikan girls in an Alabama church murdered by a klansmans' bomb. We watched as George Floyd was choked TO DEATH in broad daylight, in front of multiple onlookers and no one intervened. Emmitt Till, Trayvon Martin, Reynisha McBride, Eric Garner, John Crawford, Ezell Ford, Michael Brown, Oscar Grant, Laquan McDonald, Tamir Rice, Breonna Taylor and so many more stretching in an unbroken line of corpses all the way back to the middle passage demand that we institute the Secure Communities Mandate with all due haste.

The Secure Communities Mandate will be implemented in 5 segments:
* Martial Arts
* Arms
* Archery
* S.E.R.E.
* Community Security

The necessity for Our Community members to be able to protect their own bodies is met by developing our collective working knowledge in Martial Arts. Hand to hand combat need not be an intimidating prospect. Each Community has one or two members who can fight or possess formal training in boxing, MMA, ju jitsu, karate, wrestling or other forms of martial arts. Some of Our Communities have martial arts Dojo's, MMA training facilities or boxing gyms with instructors who may be willing to donate a few hours 2-3 times a week to train Community members. SCM Coordinators will seek out and organize volunteers with this specialized training to form classes around their schedules 3-5 times a week. We will organize the Community Classes based on age, gender, fitness level, style and schedule availability. Those acting as SCM
Volunteer Self-Defense Instructors are responsible for seeking further training in new styles and techniques of unarmed self-defense/improvised weaponry to share with the Community classes once they've mastered them.

An advancement chart, based on sparing and mock attack/defense tests/drills at periodic intervals for each skill level, will be maintained on each participant to chart the Communities individual and collective progress in their capacity to defend themselves. If no local gym, YMCA or other facility is available- any open space, from a backyard to vacant lot, will suffice as a dojo. As we will be teaching life sustaining Self-Defense as opposed to cinema martial arts, training outside, where most engagements are likely to take place, may prove beneficial, while simultaneously promoting Community solidarity.

Our Community Self-Defense Courses will also provide armed hand-to-hand combat training which will included improvised defense/attack weapons training based on common items (i.e. belts, pens, pans, keys, etc.), as well as traditional weapons (i.e. sticks, staffs, knives {P.E.R.Ser. Instruction, Kali, etc.}, tonfa, etc.).


In order to effectively secure and defend Our Communities against modern threats, we must be proficient with the use of firearms. Because it is imperative that we not invite unnecessary or premature conflict with law enforcement or the state, all SCM Armed activities will be conducted within the framework of established laws in each state where the SCM is established. This means, wherever the states laws permit all SCM personnel who are eligible will attain conceal carry permits. Once familiar with your states laws on gun possession, concealed carry and use, and we've assessed who in the Community is eligible to possess and/or concealed carry a firearm, our first step is a comprehensive gun safety course which should include safe gun storage, trigger-lock maintenance, the importance and proper means of gun cleaning;
clearing firing lanes when training, etc.

Next, we must ensure Our Community is familiarized with the various types if firearms and their capacities and applications. This means we must take stock of the arms available to us, then make provision through Our Gun and Hunting Clubs to secure whatever arms and ammunition the Community needs for home and Community defense. This will require us to build Our own firing ranges, ideally ones with varying distances and structural variations which may emulate real world environments in the Community(s) we will be defending (i.e., schools, places of worship, places of commerce or congregation).

Participants will be taught basic firing stances with a pistol (Weaver, modified Weaver, kneeling brace, hip-firing, etc.), Rifle (standing mount, kneeling mount, prone, etc.), Shotgun (standing mount leading & trailing, kneeling mount, prone), and assault weapons (forward mount, closing range {adjusted advancement}, kneeling mount, suppression fire, cutting the pie, etc.). Participants will be taught under what conditions and in what environments which weapons, firing stances, firing patterns and tactics are most efficient and effective in a particular defense scenario. 


Rifle/long gun training will require an additional degree of instruction in range finding, wind vector calculation, landmark ranging, ballistic yields and long-range sighting. Because some past mass shooters have utilized assault tactics, training in those same tactics with assault weapons, and more importantly how to repel such assaults, will be necessary to ensure the maximum degree of preparedness in
Our Communities.

Once those eligible to possess firearms are sufficiently trained up, Security Assignments, most closely linked to the participants normal daily activities, will have to be drawn up on a weekly basis (i.e., If one is a deacon or regular at church on Sat./ Sun, he/she would assume the Security Detail at the local church or place of worship during that time period along with their team.). This does not preclude the assignment to vulnerable points in the Community outside of ones normal activities for qualified participants.

Monthly Hunting Trips will be organized to teach our youth gun safety, tracking, woodslore, and familiarizing them with the safe and proper use of firearms. It is during such trips that the value of Unity and the responsibility of each of us to protect and defend the Community from racist attacks and irrational violence should be stressed to instill both a sense of Community responsibility and Self-Defense capability in Our young People. It is Our hope these tactics becomes a culture amongst Our People.


Securing Our Communities demands we are well versed with a variety of weapons. Archery is an effective Self-Defense and hunting discipline. Classes in Archery employing the long bow, compound bow and crossbow will be taught at 3 basic levels:


At the Beginners level participants will be taught the basics of bow mechanics, function and maintenance. Here the Community will be taught proper storage and bowstring maintenance. To brace an arrow, draw the bow, sight along the reticle and fluidly release. To extend the most vital part of their essence through the shaft as it is guided through the target.

Intermediate participants will be taught to find range, compensate for wind vector and to "aim small" prior to release to "miss little", etc.

Advanced participants will be trained to hit moving targets at varying distances by "leading a target", to accurately place, draw and release an arrow on the move.

This training will include finding the optimum pull weight for each participant on the compound bow; when a crossbow is a more effective option than a compound or long bow (i.e., home defense); and raise as a compensation for long range target (arc and fall ratio on target). The Archery club will take periodic hunting trips along with the Hunting Club to develop their archery skill in real life
scenarios with moving targets.


Archery home defense courses incorporating crossbows primarily and other bows secondarily, will conducted for all participants with emphasis placed on knowing the topography of your home, knowing how to move through your home in complete darkness and assigning rally points, defensible positions and defense assignments to the family in the event of home invasion or armed incursion.

Community members, in the event of emergency, an active shooter, fascist attack or violent civil unrest, must know how to evade attackers, escape capture, search for family or neighbors who are lost, or rescue them from distress. To 
accomplish this end we will offer comprehensive S.E.R.E. (Search, Evade, Rescue and Escape) training to all SCM participants. We will offer both a basic and advanced course.

The Basic course will offer training in standard grid, spiral and piggyback search patterns; how to search and clear a structure; use of sonic ears and other technology to search for survivors in a debris field; back tracking & behavior pattern search techniques. This will include training in the importance of knowing your subject or enemy, noting structural integrity before entering a debris field or damaged structure, backtracking without compromising a trail, and shadowing or trail subjects to locate the primary subject.

Rescue training will focus on both Basic rescue techniques and technology to maximize ones chances of being rescued in case of an accident, disaster or capture. This will include rock climbing and repel training, urban and rural debris removal, structural integrity assessment, basic lift hoops and raise baskets, emergency medical triage, body assessment before moving an injured subject, perimeter assessment & incursion navigation, stealth approach and insertion, defeating electronic surveillance and/or K-9 detection, exfiltration from a hostile environment, water rescue techniques, hypothermia treatment, first aid, CPR and other rescue relevant basic techniques. Participants will be trained in the use of whistles, fires, flares, cell phone signals, trail planting, defeating restraints, tapping signals under debris, and other techniques to increase one's chances of rescue and survival.

Evasion training will include standard barrier and obstacle creation (i.e., using your natural environment to put as many obstacles, barriers and possible points of evasion between yourself and pursuers), creation of false trails, wiping your trail, techniques to evade K-9's and infrared detection technology, techniques to defeat CC cameras and other electronic surveillance, back tracking, pursuit dispersal techniques, disguise, misdirection, vehicle evasion, use of glass or reflective facades to monitor detection or pursuit surreptitiously, etc.

Escape training will include standard structure assessment (i.e., outside then inside) of all points of potential escape (i.e., doors, windows, fire doors, fire escapes, skylights, etc.) prior to entering a structure and once inside it; being aware of all entrances, exits and routes of transit ( both driving and on foot) in your Community; all points of connectivity to main streets, freeways, roads and other Communities; the development of multiple, prearranged escape routes at points throughout your Community; the importance of preparing your Community for the prospect of flight (i.e., 'seeding' your Community with "naturally" occuring food and water sources, and points of concealment and evasion). This training will include the deployment of primary, secondary and tertiary 'Go-Bags' and/or bug out vehicles; preparing structures in your Community for unconventional access, egress or departure (i.e., concealed rope bridges,
tunnels); hidden trails; access to sewer systems or other waterways which may provide greater opportunity to defeat K-9 pursuit; creating false walls and hidden walkways within structures in the Community, and the cultivation of pre-arranged Community responses which will maximize the chances of escape for Community members in varying emergency scenarios.

Advanced Search training will incorporate the use of infrared and starlight optical technology to search for subjects concealed or at night; use of search engines, social media and credit reporting sites to monitor for possible financial activity, location, IP address or GPS relatable data on a subject or their posts; use of hunting dogs to scent search for subjects; survival point surveillance (watching points necessary to the survival of a subject); review of Community based CC camera footage for lost or abducted subjects and other Community based surveillance techniques. Participants will be trained to note surface breakage and reflective/non-reflective notation in water searches; use of drones and other remote technologies to search for subjects from above or in unsafe structures and/or debris fields.

Advanced Rescue techniques will include tactical raid & extraction techniques; advanced lock picking techniques; water exfiltration tactics; perimeter penetration and ordinance assisted misdirection; use of shaped charges (to free hostages or breach entrances); tactical applications of suppression fire; 'cutting the pie' tactics and other tactical rescue and retreat cover tactics. Participants will receive training in the use of truck mounted cable and pulley systems to pull subjects to safety or remove debris from off of those trapped; basic SCUBA diving and underwater navigation/search techniques.

Advanced Evasion techniques will include setting booby traps; evasive driving techniques; attention diversion tactics (creating conditions AWAY from you that hostile pursuers MUST investigate or can not ignore); concealment and camouflage; use if elevation and subterranean obstacles, etc. Advanced Escape techniques will include tool improvisation (i.e., how to make or repurpose innocuous items as tools to
effect escape); torture & interrogation resistance techniques; pain suppression and detachment techniques; hot-wiring vehicles; creating obstacles to defeat pursuit (traps, snares, improvised ordinance, etc.); use if caustic substances to defeat barriers or enclosures; underwater flight; inner-perimeter ambush techniques, etc.

S.E.R.E. is a vital part of Our Communities security and Self-Defense capability and must be given the highest attention. Community cooperation and coordination is central to our S.E.R.E. Initiatives success.

Community Security is the most vital component of the SCM as it will dictate when, how, where and why we must employ all the other components of the SCM. The stated aim of the SCM's Community Security mission is to preserve the life and safety of Community members and to neutralize or eliminate any threat(s) to the life and safety of Community members. As each Initiative of the AIM is designed to work in interconnection, the SCM's standard counterpart to meet this mandate is the Community Safe-Zones Initiative (CSZI). This means wherever the SCM is organized a functioning CSZI must also be present. The SCM's Community Security protocol will be organized in 3 components:
*Community Patrols (Deterrence)
*Reactive Intervention (Emergency Response and Defense)
*Threat Assessment and Tracking (Proactive Neutralization of Clear and Present Dangers)


Community Patrols-
Volunteer security details are a central component of the Communities Self-Defense capability. All SCM patrols will work in 2-3 person teams. These teams will all be connected via the SCM Nexus. The SCM Nexus is that member of the SCM structure assigned as central relay for that patrol period. They are responsible for monitoring radio, online and news feeds relevant to the Communities security and alerting patrols to issues of relavence in and around the Community. The SCM Nexus is responsible for staying in contact with all SCM patrols on a periodic basis and patrols are obligated to report status to the Nexus every 20 minutes while on patrol. SCM personell will rotate Patrol and Nexus duty every 4 
hours in a 24 hour period.

SCM patrols will be aware of all designated Safe-Zones in the Community. Basic perimeter and interior Community patrol routes should include routine passed at all vulnerable points in the Community (i.e. , churches, recreation centers, stores, laundry mats, apartment complexes/projects, mosques, parks, Community Centers, beauty salons, barbershops etc.).

On all perimeter posts and patrol routes SCM patrols must familiarize themselves with all points of possible concealment; line of sight to both level and elevated points directly across from entrances, exits and parking lots; points of pedestrian concentration (choke points), and any wooded area or topography which could potentially conceal attackers or be utilized by snipers.

Any and all unknown or suspicious vehicles in Our Communities must be investigated. Patrols should be aware of all overtly racist and/or hostile law enforcement operating in and around our Communities. SCM patrols are at all times to be helpful, respectful and genuinely concerned towards Community members and for their welfare.

Reactive Intervention-
In the event of an emergency, civil unrest, violent assault or threat to members of the Community, SCM patrols are obligated to intervene to affect the SCM mandate and either neutralize the threat if possible, or eliminate it if no other option remains. *This means all SCM participants will be well versed in assertiveness and de-escalation. In the event of attack on a particular site in the Community, or one or more of its members, by identified hostiles all active SCM patrols will respond to defend the Community and/or protect life utilizing the training, tactics and techniques outlined here in.


Lethal force is ALWAYS a last resort, but SCM personnel cannot and will not hesitate to neutralize or eliminate active threats to our Community or its members.

In the event of abduction or capture (in civil unrest scenario's), SCM patrols will immediately engage in pursuit and rescue protocols.

In the event of racist attack SCM patrols will respond with maximum force to suppress and eliminate the threat as quickly as humanly possible.

No member of the Community will be subject to maltreatment, beating, abuse or racist murder by any state official in the presence of SCM personnel or patrols. For this reason in ANY scenario where SCM patrols must intervene to deter or prevent abuse, unlawful injury or racist murder by state agents or officials the encounter will be audio and video recorded.

This means effective body-cams are mandatory equipment for all SCM patrols and personnel.
All SCM patrols will be aware of Community emergency response protocols in event of natural disaster, civil unrest, 
racist attack, or evacuation order and will ensure the successful defense, flight, security and/or evacuation of the Community through the duration of the crisis.

Threat Assessment and Tracking-
Due to the unique nature of U.S. racism and the fascist mass Psychology of white supremacy in Amerika, Our 
Communities face particularly dangerous threats from white nationalist hate groups. This reality prompts the NEED to maintain a degree of surveillance on such groups working in and around the city's where Our Communities are situated.

SCM personnel will utilize all available information gathering medium to identify those groups which pose a legitimate threat to our Communities and its members. Locate any and all physical locations where they may operate and engage passive surveillance on these sites to trace all subjects associated with these groups and develop threat assessment profiles on all subjects. SCM personnel will pay particular attention to identifying and detail tracing the leadership of identified threat assessed hate groups. The local SCM should maintain an extensive and highly detailed file, which should include places of residence, employment, etc. of leaders of identified hostile hate groups.

This intelligence gathering and maintenance is VITAL to the safety and security of Our Communities in these times as such groups and their leadership have made open threats towards our Communities and People, brazenly on social media and other media platforms, have demonstrated a level of sophistication and military tactics which could prove exceptionally deadly to Our Communities, and shown a determination to carry out such attacks in recent times. This means this aspect of our activities could be the difference between being able to neutralize an imminent attack BEFORE it occurs, or being able to preempt one in process, thus saving lives.

The SCM is a necessary component of social life for us if we are to live in safety and security, free from violence and abuse. The mere organization of Our Communities SCM structure will serve as a deterrent to both actual and potential threats, and places in Our hands the means to effectively defend Our own lives and the lives of those we love and live with. It's necessity to our future well-being is self-evident and it is my sincerest hope we implement it in Our Communities with all due haste. Our survival, quite literally, depends on it. Build to win.

© 2000 by George Jackson University-GJU

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