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To secure your own Communities simply means:


Protecting our children from abuse, violence, rape and molestation, abduction or abandonment. 


Protecting our women from violence, rape, abduction, prostitution, and stripping in clubs. 


Protecting our communities from internal threats which includes drugs. 


Protecting our elders from abuse, violence, crime, fraud and exploitation.


Protecting our Communities from outside discrimination, disrespect, abuse and exploitation. 


Protecting our Communities from all outside threats.


Protecting our Communities from all outside dependency. 

When we speak about a secured Community, we are talking about a community that has the capacity to protect its members from any and all threats. Secured Communties develop and establish their own educational institutions and not depend on the government to teachh our children/people. Secured Communities feed their hungry, house their homeless and employ their employed. 


When I see a sister strip to raise funds for college tuition or to pay her bills, I see an unsecured Community. When I see a sister, prostituting her body, I see an unsecured Community. When I see a Brother/Sister using or selling drugs, I see an unsecured Community. It is the responsibility of the community to prepare New Afrikan Prisoners for release back into our community and assist until they can assist themselves. 


Our Sisters should not be taking life or death chances on order to make a living, we have failed them. It is the responsibility of the community to help them off the streets and provide them with other ways to make a living, and challege this government criminalization of our us

A Secured Community Means:


Having the functional capacity and capabilities to protect our children, women and elders from violence, abuse, exploitation and harm. It also means protecting our sisters from "Punk Ass Pimps" or cowardly abusive husband's/boyfriend's. 


Having the functional ability to educate our illiterate. 


Having the functional ability to feed our hungry.


Having the functional ability to protect our community from any and all threats, both internal and external.


Having the functional ability to house our homeless. 


To own and control all the businesses and homes in our Communities. 


To control the flow of water and electricity in our Community. 


To develop our own security squad committed towards protecting our Communities from those internal idiots that would rather harm the community. 


Note: Never working with the government or the pigs.


To become self-sufficient and not dependent on the government. 

My People, having a functional capacity means developing and establishing our own institutions that will serve our life-giving and life-sustaining needs. The George Jackson Grassroots Movement in conjunction with the Autonomous Infrastructure Mission (A.I.M.) will provide a comprehensive blueprint that we believe will set the foundation for our future generations to emancipate themselves from this racist, fascist, sexist and oppressive regime that perpetuate itself as the standard for democracy, I mean demockery. 


Abdul Olugbala Shakur 

GJU Chancellor

© 2000 by George Jackson University-GJU

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